Complete your Master Degree in Human Resources and obtain a Certification issued by the University of Murcia with 60 ECTS Credits.

Duración - Créditos
Duración - Créditos
1500 horas - 60 ECTS
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Opiniones de nuestros alumnos

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Nuestros alumnos opinan sobre: Official Master´s Degree in Human Resources + 60 Credits ECTS

Valoración del curso
Lo recomiendan
Valoración del claustro
* Todas las opiniones sobre Official Master´s Degree in Human Resources + 60 Credits ECTS, aquí recopiladas, han sido rellenadas de forma voluntaria por nuestros alumnos, a través de un formulario que se adjunta a todos ellos, junto a los materiales, o al finalizar su curso en nuestro campus Online, en el que se les invita a dejarnos sus impresiones acerca de la formación cursada.

Plan de estudios de Master degree in human resources

MASTER DEGREE IN HUMAN RESOURCES. Train in one of the most demanded professional profiles by companies. Study comfortably from home at your own pace, always with the guidance of a group of specialized tutors. Euroinnova adapts to your lifestyle; call us or write to us to resolve any questions.

Resumen salidas profesionales
de Master degree in human resources
Human capital has become one of the fundamental pillars for companies and that is, quality comes from people. Working in this field requires complex skills in handling individual and group communication techniques, as well as a deep knowledge of labor contracting regulations and the future consequences of contracts and dismissals. If you work in the human resources department of a company or organization and want to learn personnel administrative management techniques, with the Master in Human Resources you will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out this function successfully.
de Master degree in human resources
- Use computer applications for human resources management and preparation of payroll and Social Security. - Apply administrative procedures in human resources selection processes, using the most appropriate methods and systems. - Apply administrative procedures for training management, to introduce continuous improvement processes in the training of human resources using the most appropriate methods and systems. - Apply administrative procedures to manage promotions and promote professional and personal development. - Analyze standard document management procedures, determining the elements involved, guaranteeing their traceability, validity and uniqueness, using flow representation systems, through document management computer applications - Solve the problems and basic incidents of the computer equipment at the user level, achieving an adequate degree of operation. - Design basic and non-complex relational databases, in accordance with daily management objectives, determining the different information storage and retrieval files together with the most appropriate relationships for the type of information they contain.
Salidas profesionales
de Master degree in human resources
WITH THIS MASTER YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DEVELOP YOUR PROFESSIONAL CAREER IN: - Management and Direction of Human Resources - Company Labor Departments - Research in Human Resources
Para qué te prepara
el Master degree in human resources
The Master in Human Resources prepares you to have a complete vision of the human resources area, learning the techniques to manage this department in an integral way. Passing it will give the right to obtain the corresponding Official Master's Degree, which can qualify for carrying out the Doctoral Thesis and obtaining the Doctor's title.
A quién va dirigido
el Master degree in human resources
The Master in Human Resources is aimed at people who want to guide their future work in the administration and management of human resources, as well as professionals who want to expand their training and specialize in personnel administration within the company or organization.
de Master degree in human resources
Metodología Curso Euroinnova
Carácter oficial
de la formación
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Temario de Master degree in human resources

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Titulación de Master degree in human resources

- Official Master's Degree in Human Resources issued by the e-Campus University accredited with 60 University ECTS. Passing it will give the right to obtain the corresponding Official Master's Degree, which can qualify for carrying out the Doctoral Thesis and obtaining the Doctor's title. Si lo desea puede solicitar la Titulación con la APOSTILLA DE LA HAYA (Certificación Oficial que da validez a la Titulación ante el Ministerio de Educación de más de 200 países de todo el mundo. También está disponible con Sello Notarial válido para los ministerios de educación de países no adheridos al Convenio de la Haya.

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Euroinnova Business School
Viridiana López Rodríguez
Licenciada en Marketing y Máster Oficial en Gestión y Tecnologías de Procesos de Negocios.
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Euroinnova Business School
Elísabeth San Juan García
Diplomada en Relaciones Laborales, Licenciada en Ciencias del Trabajo y Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales con las especialidades de Seguridad en el Trabajo, Psicosociología aplicada, Ergonomía e Higiene Industrial.
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Euroinnova Business School
Pilar Plaza órpez
Titulado Universitario 2 ciclo o Licenciado - Licenciado en Derecho
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Euroinnova Business School
Maria Belén Ocón Moreno
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos con mención especial en Asesoría Jurídica Laboral, Fiscal y Contable. Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria en la especialidad de FOL. Máster en Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos.
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Euroinnova Business School
Noemí Rojas Bonachera
Cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia en la planificación, diseño y ejecución de campañas de publicidad online en buscadores y redes contextuales orientadas a la generación de leads y branding de marca y automatización del marketing desde las plataformas de Google Ads y Meta Business.
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Euroinnova Business School
Licenciado en Psicología, con Master en Psicología Clínica y con 25 años de experiencia en la docencia Universitaria
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7 razones para realizar el Master degree in human resources

Nuestra experiencia

Más de 20 años de experiencia en la formación online.

Más de 300.000 alumnos ya se han formado en nuestras aulas virtuales.

Alumnos de los 5 continentes.

25% de alumnado internacional.

Las cifras nos avalan
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Nuestra Metodología


Aprendizaje 100% online, flexible, desde donde quieras y como quieras


Equipo docente especializado. Docentes en activo, digitalmente nativos


No estarás solo/a. Acompañamiento por parte del equipo de tutorización durante toda tu experiencia como estudiante.

Aprendizaje real

Aprendizaje para la vida real, contenidos prácticos, adaptados al mercado laboral y entornos de aprendizaje ágiles en campus virtual con tecnología punta


Seminarios en directo. Clases magistrales exclusivas para los estudiantes

Calidad AENOR

Se llevan a cabo auditorías externas anuales que garantizan la máxima calidad AENOR.

Nuestros procesos de enseñanza están certificados por AENOR por la ISO 9001 y 14001.

Certificación de calidad

Contamos con el sello de Confianza Online y colaboramos con las Universidades más prestigiosas, Administraciones Públicas y Empresas Software a nivel Nacional e Internacional.

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Empleo y prácticas

Disponemos de Bolsa de Empleo propia con diferentes ofertas de trabajo, y facilitamos la realización de prácticas de empresa a nuestro alumnado.

Nuestro Equipo

En la actualidad, Euroinnova cuenta con un equipo humano formado por más de 300 profesionales. Nuestro personal se encuentra sólidamente enmarcado en una estructura que facilita la mayor calidad en la atención al alumnado.

Somos distribuidores de formación

Como parte de su infraestructura y como muestra de su constante expansión, Euroinnova incluye dentro de su organización una editorial y una imprenta digital industrial.

Paga como quieras

Financiación 100% sin intereses

Hemos diseñado un Plan de Becas para facilitar aún más el acceso a nuestra formación junto con una flexibilidad económica. Alcanzar tus objetivos profesionales e impulsar tu carrera profesional será más fácil gracias a los planes de Euroinnova.

Si aún tienes dudas solicita ahora información para beneficiarte de nuestras becas y financiación.

Antiguos Alumnos

Como premio a la fidelidad y confianza de los alumnos en el método EUROINNOVA, ofrecemos una beca del 25% a todos aquellos que hayan cursado alguna de nuestras acciones formativas en el pasado.

Beca Desempleo

Para los que atraviesan un periodo de inactividad laboral y decidan que es el momento idóneo para invertir en la mejora de sus posibilidades futuras.

Beca Emprende

Una beca en consonancia con nuestra apuesta por el fomento del emprendimiento y capacitación de los profesionales que se hayan aventurado en su propia iniciativa empresarial.

Beca Amigo

La beca amigo surge como agradecimiento a todos aquellos alumnos que nos recomiendan a amigos y familiares. Por tanto si vienes con un amigo o familiar podrás contar con una beca de 15%.

* Becas aplicables sólamente tras la recepción de la documentación necesaria en el Departamento de Asesoramiento Académico. Más información en el 900 831 200 o vía email en

* Becas no acumulables entre sí

* Becas aplicables a acciones formativas publicadas en

Información complementaria

Master Degree in Human Resources

Are you interested in the administration and management of human resources? Are you looking for online training? If your answer to these questions is affirmative... This is your opportunity! Euroinnova International Online Education offers you this Master Degree in Human Resources Online, which prepares you to have a complete vision of the human resources area, learning the techniques to manage this department in an integral way. You will also acquire skills in Lean Construction philosophy. Similarly, it is available in an online mode, allowing you to balance it with your personal and professional life.

Now is the time to expand your professional skills, increase your professional competencies, and Euroinnova International Online Education provides many advantages and facilities to achieve this!

Master degree in human resources

Take advantage of this great opportunity now, and if you're still undecided, keep reading!

Let us tell you more about human resources

When we talk about human resources, we can refer, on the one hand, to the workers of a company as well as to the department itself within the company, which is a fundamental component responsible for managing employee relations. Therefore, it is said that companies cannot do without the human resources department.

More specifically, we say that human resources are nothing more than the set of all employees working in a company, and through their work, the company achieves its established objectives. It is thus the most important element of any company, surpassing facilities or machinery, as these are built upon its workers. As mentioned earlier, this term also refers to the department in companies that is responsible for managing the company's personnel, performing tasks such as hiring, personnel organization, task planning, and compensation, etc. Some of its main functions include:

  1. Recruitment: Attracting individuals interested in available job positions. This recruitment can be external when seeking personnel outside the company or internal when seeking already employed individuals willing to change their roles.
  2. Organization and Planning: Considering the organization of the company, the human resources department designs job positions and defines the responsibilities and functions to be performed in each.
  3. Selection: Conducting necessary tests on candidates to select the person best suited for each position.
  4. Training: Many companies provide training services to their employees, ensuring they are capable of facing any changes in the company or technological advancements. This training is also offered by the human resources department.
  5. Evaluation and Personnel Control: Taking into account aspects such as absenteeism, overtime worked by employees, workforce movements, etc.
  6. Labor Relations: This department also focuses on promoting good communication both internally and externally in the company.

Finally, we can identify the following as the main objectives of this department:

  • Contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals, aligning with aspects such as the mission, vision, and values of the company itself.
  • Foster a good working environment that enhances productivity.
  • Obtain the most suitable talent for each specific position through selection processes.
  • Dynamically plan the organization's structure.

All of this sounds very good, doesn't it? With this training, you will be able to delve much deeper into this subject. Furthermore, the online methodology offered by Euroinnova International Online Education is perfect for taking your training in the most comfortable, easy, and effective way possible.

Train with the Master Degree in Human Resources from Euroinnova entirely online

On our Euroinnova website, you can find courses in this sector, where you can obtain the best training through the e-learning modality. This allows you to earn a certification in the simplest and quickest way, where you set your own guidelines to complete it. Choose the one that aligns with your preferences and education; you'll enhance your CV significantly with the various online courses that Euroinnova offers. Trust a company with over a decade of experience and more than 10,000 students annually to pursue your training and enroll in Euroinnova's courses/masters.

Don't miss this opportunity to train yourself and obtain a certification that enhances your professional standing. Stand out with your education and achieve all your professional goals by studying comfortably and flexibly through our e-learning modality.

What are you waiting for? Request information from us and reserve your enrollment now!

We look forward to welcoming you at Euroinnova International Online Education!

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